Our five year plan published in March 2020, included our 10 big ambitions setting out what was important to us collectively and reflecting the fact that we are an equal partnership of NHS organisations, local authorities, hospices, Healthwatch, communities and the voluntary community social enterprise sector.
As a result of the Health and Care Act 2022, we now have a set of statutory arrangements. In these new arrangements, our integrated care partnership (or Partnership Board as we call it) is responsible for overseeing the development of this refreshed strategy and making sure it reflects the needs of the 2.4 million people living across our area.
Our refreshed draft Integrated Care Strategy will continue to be built from our local health and wellbeing board strategies. A copy of our draft strategy is available here and will be published in Spring 2023. Our Joint Forward Plan will follow on 30 June 2023.
Our 10 big ambitions for people in West Yorkshire as set out in the strategy are:
1. We will increase the years of life that people live in good health in West Yorkshire
2. We will increase our early diagnosis rates for cancer
3. We will reduce suicide by 10% across West Yorkshire by focusing on health inequalities, achieving a greater understanding of impact of inequality on suicide, so that suicide prevention becomes everyone’s business.
4. We will achieve at least a 10% reduction in anti-microbial resistant infections by 2024
5. We will achieve a 50% reduction in stillbirths, neonatal deaths, brain injuries and a reduction in maternal morbidity and mortality
6. We will achieve a 10% reduction in the gap in life expectancy between people with mental health conditions, learning disabilities and/or autism and the rest of the population.
7. We will address the health inequality gap for children living in households with the lowest incomes
8. We will have a more diverse leadership that better reflects the broad range of talent in West Yorkshire, helping to ensure that the poor experiences in the workplace that are particularly high for Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic staff will become a thing of the past.
9. We aspire to become an industry leader in responding to the climate emergency through increased mitigation, investment and culture change throughout our system.
10. We will strengthen local economic growth by reducing health inequalities and improving skills, increasing productivity and the earning power of people and our region as a whole.
The NHS West Yorkshire Integrated Care Board is responsible for the development of a joint forward plan that will deliver the NHS parts of our strategy. We are now beginning the work to agree this plan and want to consult on how we deliver our five-year strategy as part of working with people and communities.
The survey asks three questions:
- When reading our strategy, what do you think are the most important things to consider in delivering it?
- Is there anything else you would like to tell us to help with our plans?
- If you want to be involved with this and other West Yorkshire Health and Care Partnership work please add your contact details below.
You have until Monday 20 February to share your views please.
When completing the survey, we would like you to think about the health services that you, your family or loved ones and friends have experienced over the past two years. Please take a moment to do this before you begin the survey.
Help with completing the survey
To help people complete the survey over the phone if requested.
Healthwatch Bradford
Telephone: 0300 5610 987 between the hours of 10:00 – 16:00. Monday to Friday
Email: info
Healthwatch North Yorkshire (for Craven)
Telephone: 01423 788128
Email: admin
Healthwatch Calderdale
Telephone: 01422 412141
Email: info
Healthwatch Leeds
Telephone: 0113 898 0035
Textphone: 07717 309 843
Email: info
Healthwatch Kirklees
Telephone: 01924 450 379
Email: info
Healthwatch Wakefield
Telephone: 01924 787 379
Textphone: 07885 913396
Email: enquiries