Our vision
Our Partnership has an agreed vision for the future of health, care and wellbeing in West Yorkshire, where all partners are working together so people can thrive in a trauma informed, healthy, equitable, safe and sustainable society. We want to help people live well and stay healthy for as long as possible, and if they have mental health or physical problems, they can easily access services that meet their needs in a safe, sustainable and trauma informed way.
- Places will be healthy. We will work in partnership to prevent ill health by improving the physical environment where people live and work. Places will be supportive of good health by having access to healthy green and blue spaces that provide safe spaces for outdoor activities and exercise and are biodiverse with good air quality. We aim for this to be the case for this and future generations.
- You will have the best start in life so you can live and age well and and have a good death in the place of your choosing. We will work to make sure you are not disadvantaged by where you live, your background, gender or ethnicity. We will focus on supporting you to stay healthy and prioritise approaches of preventing trauma, adversity and ill health, delaying onset of disease and reducing the impact of long term-conditions.
- There will be a culture of prevention across the partnership, making this everyone’s business. This will include primary, secondary and tertiary prevention alongside the determinants of health and a focus on reducing health inequalities and the impacts of climate change.
If you have a long-term health condition you will be offered trauma informed personalised support to self-care. This will include peer support, technology and communities of support from people like you.
- If you have multiple health conditions, you will be in a team with your GP, community care staff, social services and voluntary and community organisations, including community pharmacy, working together. This will involve you, your family and carers, the NHS, social care and community organisations. all working on what matters to you.
- If you need hospital care, it will usually mean that your local hospital, which will work closely with others, will give you the best care possible and that access to care is equal for all. Local hospitals will be supported by centres of excellence for services such as cancer, vascular (arteries and veins), stroke and complex mental health. They will deliver world class care and push the boundaries of research and innovation.
- All of this will be planned and paid for once between the NHS, local councils and community organisations working together and removing artificial barriers to care.
- Our people and communities will be involved in the design, delivery and assurance of services so that everyone truly owns their healthcare.