How we will use data and intelligence
In delivering this strategy, we will ensure that our decisions are informed by data and intelligence. Much of the data will be built upon the Joint Strategic Needs Assessments in each place, which look at the current and future health and care needs of local populations. These are designed to inform and guide the planning and commissioning (buying) of health, well-being and social care services.
Bringing together our data alongside what our people and staff are telling us will support improving outcomes and reducing health inequalities for the population of West Yorkshire. This will not only ensure that we are able to tell a compelling story as to how our services are being delivered, but also help us consider where we can best focus our efforts on improving them.
To ensure that we are doing this in the right way, we need to make sure that we understand where this intelligence is in our system and how we can ensure that it is brought together to help our decision making on an ongoing basis.
We will also gather and make sense of the data and intelligence we have, in the right place at the right time to ensure that we can improve efficiency and productivity.
To deliver the strategy and achieve our ambitions we will need to grow our analytical capacity and capability over the next five years, allowing us to deliver innovative analytical products and insights to support our plans. We will be able to do this through shared learning and development and shared resources and expertise, with the aim of all parts of the West Yorkshire system being able to contribute to, access and use, the best possible analysis of our information.
To deliver the strategy and the innovation we need to make a real impact on reducing health inequalities, we will look to continually advance the technology. We will continue to develop and improve our use of data and modelling to help us understand future health needs and the demand for our services, as well as to help us understand new ways to improve them. Our digital strategy sets out how we will use data to support decision making, design services and research to improve the health of our population. It also provides a direction of travel for how we will ensure the safe, secure and seamless flow of information between organisations to support care delivery.
Money and resources
In West Yorkshire, we have worked to a set of guiding values and behaviours which have ensured that decisions around how we allocate monies and manage financial risk have been made collectively together. We know that the budgets of all organisations within our partnership are going to be challenging over the coming years. All of these pressures run alongside the cost-of- living issues that people are facing across West Yorkshire, and the unequal impact on poorer communities. This will be felt at system, organisation and individual level.
We know that demand for services is likely to increase across all ages. The impact on some sectors such as our VCSE has also been noticeable and has threatened their sustainability, whether through reductions in grant funding or charity donations from the public alongside increased demand.
We have a strong history of working together across organisations and sectors to better use our resources to improve health and care. An example of where we have made a difference through our collective action is the deployment of £1million into social care providers in 2021/22 to allow the early introduction of the national living wage for low-paid employees. This ensured early action to tackle the cost-of-living crisis whilst also supporting a more sustainable care workforce.
This work has been successful due to the way in which we work together across our partnership to a common vision, the level of trust we have and the relationships we have built. We will continue to do this over the lifetime of this strategy to ensure that we can use our resources to reduce health inequalities and improve health and wellbeing in our population.
We make our decisions as close to the individual as possible, starting our planning of services from places and communities. Our resources enable the delivery of plans at this level, ensuring that they are used effectively, efficiently and in new innovative ways where possible.
Our 2022-2027 Finance Strategy sets out our approach to how we will use our resources and make our financial decisions to support deliver of our strategy. It outlines the actions we will take to use our finance and resources in tackling health inequalities; managing unwarranted variations in care; using our collective resources wisely; and securing the economic and social benefits of investing in health and care.

Buildings and estates
To deliver joined up health care and new ways of working together, we also need to look at how we make the most of our buildings (our estates). The way in which we work together as organisations across our Partnership helps us make the most of both our buildings and other assets available to us. We will look to use our estates effectively as an organisation and support our NHS trusts to adapt to the new ways of working, planning for future changes as more and more people become flexible and take advantages of hybrid working.
This work begins in our communities, using our estates to support bringing teams together to wrap around and support people, unpaid carers, communities and neighbourhoods. This extends beyond traditional health and care, looking at how we can use our estates across our wider partnership to truly integrate the way in which we work together. Our estates are led by the clinical strategy around the services that we provide.
Our capital and estates work is also important in supporting our organisations to deliver their services in a safe and effective way. In order to deliver this strategy we need to ensure that we are able to develop and prioritise bids for capital funding to ensure that we have high quality buildings that support us to deliver health and care safely, collaboratively and in an innovative way.