Racial Inequalities Training
Our Partnership continues to raise the profile of its diverse workforce.
During Black History Month in October 2020, a workshop was hosted with our leaders to help educate and raise awareness, build change within our programmes and devise an action plan for change. Ethnic minority voices in our communities and in our Race Equality Network (formerly known as the BAME Network) led the development of this workshop from the start, supported by our dedicated System Leadership and Development colleagues.
The training is as important and relevant now as it was at its launch.
Topics covered included areas such as unconscious bias and racial micro-aggression which helps employees learn how their individual behaviour is influenced by their own blind spots and stereotypes, along with how we can build Allyship within our own organisations.
Introduction to the training / overview of the workshops
This short introduction to the Racial Inequalities Training features Wasim Feroze from Leeds City Council who is a member of the West Yorkshire and Harrogate Race Equality Network.
Wasim talks about what he hopes the workshops will achieve throughout the system, why and how the training has been developed, its importance, its aims and the purpose of the pledges.
Training modules and how to access
We are delighted that these inspirational workshops are now available to everyone and invite our partners to actively encourage their employees to take part. Please share this advert for the training with others – we want as many people to take part in this training as possible. Please start your journey by completing the modules below.