NHS England conducted a national review of the non-emergency patient transport service (NEPTS) in 2021 and a new national framework was published in 2022. This set out for the service across England to become fair, and sustainable.
NEPTS provide funded transport where a medical condition means that a patient would struggle to safely attend their treatment independently.
The national framework for NEPTS also updated national guidance clarifying the eligibility for transport support. This made it clearer who can receive support for transportation if they have medical, cognitive, or sensory issues, or if they have trouble moving around, or if they have safeguarding needs.
NHS Integrated Care Boards and their partners, like hospitals and primary care providers, are responsible for making sure there's clear processes in place on how to decide who can receive patient transport, based on the national guidance.
Yorkshire Ambulance Service NHS Trust (YAS) is the regional NEPTS provider. As this stage the scope of the work does not include any other provider providing NEPTS across West Yorkshire.
A group has been set up to lead the project across West Yorkshire and is working through the next steps.