Apply to become a West Yorkshire and Harrogate Integrated Stroke Delivery Network Patient and Carer Assurance Group Representative

The Integrated Stroke Delivery Network are looking to recruit more patient and carer representatives, who have experience of living with or caring for someone affected by stroke, to form a stroke patient and carer assurance group.


The West Yorkshire and Harrogate ISDN share regualr newsletters and you can read them here.

December 2021 edition please click here to view. 

September 2021 edition please click here to view. 

Stroke awareness events Stroke awareness month image of a man with a young boy on his back both smiling

May is national stroke awareness month. 

World stroke day is an annual event that takes place on 29th October each year. 

Read more from our pateint representatives that have shared their experiences and have some important messages by clicking here.