Vision and aims
Our vision for primary care has been developed to deliver against the requirements of the NHS Long Term Plan, General Practice Forward View and the GP Contract Framework.
The vision is built on the foundations of Primary Care Networks that will enhance integrated care and deliver a person-centred (more holistic) approach to continuous and proactive lifetime care.
In West Yorkshire and Harrogate, we aim to transform primary and community care by enabling the integration of services based on the needs of the local population and where ever possible move towards self- managed care.
Fundamentally our vision and aims is the concept of the left shift moving clinical care, as appropriate, for patients from hospitals into the community; with the intent that this will lead to better health and wellbeing, better quality of care as well as making sure services meet people’s needs now and in the future. This report, 'Care in the community – enabling the left shift' (commissioned by West Yorkshire and Harrogate Health and Care Partnership) talks about the benefits of the ‘left shift’.
Our strategic priorities
Our approach encompasses five overarching strategic themes for transformation:
- The Right Scale (both large and small)
- Working together better (Integration)
- Understanding population need (Targeted care)
- Resourced to reduce unwarranted variation (Quality Improvement)
- Empowerment of people in communities (patients and staff).
There are a number of components and key enablers that we will prioritise. These include:
- Transformation
- Workforce
- Premises and Digital
- Investment
- Access and Resilience
- Community Pharmacy, Dental & Eye Health Care.
You can find out more including our ambitions and what we plan to do in the next 5 years in our strategy.