Affordable warmth resources
Every winter, thousands of people are faced with the hard decision of whether to buy food or use that money to heat their homes.
Many families in West Yorkshire are spending a disproportionate amount of their income on energy bills. This could be because they are on a low income and can also be due to low energy efficiency in the home. Poverty affects 30% of children and Covid-19 has meant many families that could previously afford fuel are now struggling.
We have produced this infographic, particularly aimed at people working in health and care services, that details the groups of people most likely to experience negative health impacts of not being able to afford fuel and the signs to look out for.
There are also leaflets for people who are struggling to afford their energy bills. These leaflets contain details about the support services you can access, and information about the different benefits and grants available to help you heat your home and experience better health. The affordable warmth children leaflet also contains some top tips for keeping warm.
- Affordable warmth information leaflet - web version (with hyperlinks)
Affordable warmth information leaflet - printable version (print out double sided and fold)
- Affordable warmth easy read leaflet
- Affordable warmth affecting children information leaflet - web version (with hyperlinks)
- Affordable warmth affecting children information leaflet - printable version (print out double sided and fold)
- Affordable warmth affecting children easy read leaflet
Affordable warmth services by local authority area
For more information about affordable warmth services available in your area contact the local authority where you live. Here are the contact details.
Bradford Council
Cost of living - support in the Bradford District leaflet
Cost of living - support in the Bradford District website
Tel. 0808 1683547
Council’s Housing Energy Action Team
01422 392199
Craven District Council
Help with cost of living - Craven District Council
Kirklees Council
Keeping your house warm and reducing energy bills
Leeds City Council
Affordable Warmth – Leeds City Council
Wakefield Council
Wakefield Council Warmer Homes
Help and support with private renting
The voluntary and community sector provide a range of support and services to communities including advice on money, cutting costs, food banks, baby banks for supplies for young children, safe, warm spaces, and much more. You can find out about some of these on our voluntary and community sector pages.