Planned care is also known as ‘elective’ care. It is treatment that people decide to have to help manage a health problem, rather than emergency treatment for an urgent medical condition, or following a serious accident for example. People are usually referred for planned care by their GP or other healthcare professional.
The West Yorkshire Association of Acute Trusts (WYAAT) leads the planned care programme on behalf of the West Yorkshire Health and Care Partnership. Within this, the elective recovery programme aims to deliver the best quality elective care for patients, in the right place. NHS trusts across West Yorkshire are working hard with their partners in social care, community and primary care to ensure that the national priority direction towards protecting screening, diagnostic and treatment capacity is reflected in practice. Please see the planned care pages on the WYAAT website for further information.
As an NHS Integrated Care Board (ICB) we are looking at how we spend NHS money in West Yorkshire and what treatments we pay for. Up to now, some of these choices have been different depending on where people live. We are therefore reviewing our commissioning policies to make sure everyone gets the same access to treatments, wherever they live in West Yorkshire. This will also make sure all our policies are in line with the latest expert advice. Please visit this page Treatments paid for by the NHS for further information. All our commissioning policies can be viewed on the commissioning policies page here.