Who gets delirium? It can happen to anyone but there are some things that put a person at higher risk of it. These include: Older age, Hearing and sight loss, A diagnosis of dementia, Having a lot of other health problems, Being in hospital with a broken hip or serious illness.
Delirium is also known as ‘acute confusion’. It is treatable - but if it is undetected then it can be a life threatening condition.
This e-learning provides the baseline knowledge and skills required by all staff working in health and social care settings and also for those working in an individual's own home. It is also aimed at carers of people who may be more at risk of developing delirium.
The e-learning is available on the e-learning for health platform, it takes approximately 45 minutes to complete and anyone can access it, you dont need to sign up for an account but you can if you wish to. Everyone recieves a certificate at the end of the e-learning. Click on the Image to access the e-learning.
Please feel free to download, print and share these resources from the links below.
Delirium Dramas

Film1 – Kenneth = A scenario set in the acute hospital. Kenneth aged 89 has been on the ward for a few days. He was admitted with breathlessness and is being treated for an exacerbation of heart failure. He begins to refuse his medications but won’t say why. He is very quiet at other times, unless staff ask him to do something, when he shouts or pushes them away.
Film 2 - Wendy = A scenario set in the acute hospital. Wendy is a 60-year-old lady who has undergone an elective total knee replacement under general anaesthetic and is recovering from the operation on an elective orthopaedic ward. Wendy loses her hearing aids and problems arise thereafter which lead to an episode of delirium.
Film 3 - Grace = A scenario set in a care home. Grace (elderly lady) is in a care home and over the last 2 weeks she has been falling frequently. She frequently appears to be talking to herself, sometimes loudly, but it is hard to understand what she is saying.
Film 4 – Eric = A scenario in a domiciliary care setting. Eric (older man, mild dementia) lives alone in a sheltered flat and his domiciliary carer, who knows him well, arrives for his morning visit to help get him up, washed and dressed and to have his breakfast.
In each of the 4 films we have carefully tried to bring out key learning in relation to delirium, looking out for the signs and symptoms of delirium and highlighting how to manage delirium once identified and how to help prevent further episodes.
If you would like any further information about any of the delirium resources on this page please feel free to make contact with colinsloane