The Maternity and Neonatal Independent Senior Advocate (also referred to as Maternity and Neonatal ISA) is a new senior role that has been introduced to support women, birthing people and families in England. 

If during your maternity or neonatal care in West Yorkshire or Harrogate you have experienced an adverse outcome the advocate can support you. They will help ensure that you are listened to, heard and acted upon by your care providers. You can read more about how the Maternity and Neonatal ISA could support you here.  The Maternity and Neonatal ISA is independent and does not work for any of the trusts that provided your care, so families can be confident that they will be fair and impartial.

We are happy to receive referrals from service users and their families as well as referrals from any healthcare provider or voluntary, community, faith and support organisations. 

You can use the referral form below to share some details with Rhona Mulvihill the Maternity and Neonatal ISA. After this, she will get in touch with you to talk about what happened in more detail. 

If you are here as an NHS employee or support organisation and would like to discuss a potential referral before offering the Maternity and Neonatal ISA service to a family, you can also use this page to get in touch. 

You can also phone/text: 07811 581730 or email: if this is easier for you.

Whichever way you contact the Maternity and Neonatal ISA, she will aim to get back to you within 7 days.

She will normally be the only person who checks messages and referrals however if she is away, someone in her team might help her and check if anyone is waiting for a reply. This person must follow the same confidentiality rules as the Maternity and Neonatal ISA around sharing information.

Please add below the contact details you are happy to share and for us to use.