West Yorkshire Minuteful HTN initial invite letter: a letter to all GP practices across West Yorkshire before launching the Minuteful Kidney and Hypertension (HTN) project sharing an overview of what the project means for primary care and an invitation to participate.
West Yorkshire Minuteful HTN secondary care letter: a letter to all specialist renal services across West Yorkshire before launching the Minuteful Kidney and Hypertension (HTN) project sharing an overview of the project and potential impact for secondary care.
Secondary prevention of CKD: final call to participate in Minuteful Kidney and hypertension project letter: a letter to primary care practice managers and senior partners calling all those practices who have not yet taken up their Minuteful Kidney kit allocation to onboard with as soon as possible - to optimise the reach and access to the Minuteful Kidney home UACR test for those living with hypertension within the project delivery window.