Supporting resources for primary care

Below you will find a list of resources designed to help those working within Primary Care. The hypertension guidance contains detailed information for GPs and health professionals in the area who are treating patients, under the age of 80, who have uncomplicated hypertension. 

The hypertension clinical searches and treatment flow chart contains a summary of the three searches, a treatment guidance flowchart and how to access the searches. 

Work happening across West Yorkshire

.Work is happening across West Yorkshire, supporting core20plus5 for hypertension and lipids to support reducing health inequalities. Pilots and projects include outreach work in local communities, working with Voluntary, Community, Social Enterprise (VCSE) sector to ensure blood pressure checks are offered and the development of blood pressure champions. Link to NHS England » Core20PLUS5 (adults) – an approach to reducing healthcare inequalities.

​​​​​​One example locally was the CVD Community Champion Campaign in partnership with TSL Kirklees. The campaign aimed to:

  • Improve awareness of all types of CVD
  • Improve awareness of signs and symptoms of CVD
  • Support people to “ know their numbers”
  • Provide signposting support for CVD
  • Gain important insights around barriers, key themes and learning
  • Focus on all health inclusion groups

Through community-based conversations and activity they increased awareness, ofered advice and signposted individuals at groups,  events and in other community settings and achieved some fantastic results:

  • 1340 1-1 conversations took place across Kirklees
  • 67 group visits took place to raise awareness reaching a further 669 people
  • 461 Blood pressure readings taken by champions in the community
  • 4 smaller community groups awarded funding to be a part of CVD community conversations” a further 222 people reached.

They also offered specialist subject matter training and ongoing support provided by Public Health. For more information on what they did, why and more on these outcomes please download the CVD Community Champion Campaign May - July 2024 leaflet. 

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Know your numbers week

Know your numbers is an annual campaign led by Blood Pressure UK to raise awareness of high blood pressure. Each year we work together with our partners including NHS organisations, Local Authorities, VCSE, University of Huddersfield, Yorkshire Ambulance Service, service users and their unpaid carers to raise awareness of the importance of blood pressure checks to encourage everyone to know their numbers.

Making Every Contact Count (MECC)

The MECC elearning programme is designed to support learners to be comfortable having making every contact count conversations. These conversations can support people to make small changes that will help to reduce their blood pressure or reduce other risk factors such as smoking. The training can be access by clicking this link: MECC elearning.  

CVD Prevent

CVDPREVENT is a national primary care audit that automatically extracts routinely held GP data covering diagnosis and management of six high risk conditions that cause stroke, heart attack and vascular dementia: atrial fibrillation (AF), high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, non-diabetic hyperglycaemia and chronic kidney disease. It provides a foundation for professionally led quality improvement in individual GP practices across Primary Care Networks (PCNs) and supports primary care in understanding how many patients with CVD and/or the high-risk conditions are potentially undiagnosed, or have more opportunity to optimise their treatment. The audit provides data to highlight gaps, identify inequalities, and opportunities for improvement.  Visit the CVDPREVENT web pages via NHSE using this link. 

Bradford Talking Media

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Blood Pressure UK (BPUK)

British and Irish Hypertension Society

British Heart Foundation (BHF)

National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE)

UCL Partners Health Innovation