Seeking patients’ views on elective recovery
Our Planned Care Citizens’ Panel was introduced in partnership with Healthwatch to support communications around elective recovery in West Yorkshire and Harrogate. The panel of volunteers from across the area, all patients on the waiting list for elective care, was in place from June to September 2021.
Panel members met online every two weeks when clinicians and other colleagues from across the Partnership shared details with them about how we are working together as a system to reduce the backlog of elective cases resulting from the pandemic.
All panel members were extremely keen to support elective recovery work and help improve the situation for others in the same position. They shared their own experiences of waiting, asked relevant questions, and provided valuable insight around several areas of healthcare, not just elective recovery.
Themes included patient and public communications, personalised care, shared decision-making, clinical validation, prioritisation of patients, proposals for creating additional elective capacity, and the current pressures on accident and emergency services. One of the most important themes for panel member was around helping patients to stay well during their wait for care so support services, such as patient information and guidance, social prescribing options and activities provided by the VCSE sector were also covered.
All this comprehensive feedback is now being used by the appropriate programmes and teams within the Partnership for ongoing consideration as work progresses. We are also looking at how we can keep panel members involved with these important work areas, to make sure that the voice of the patient is heard, and to retain the personal experiences and knowledge that only people with a lived experience can bring.
There's more information about the current situation with planned care, and the reasons for establishing a dedicated citizens' panel below. We'll give updates on this page but if you have any questions in the meantime, please email: