Third Sector Leaders (TSL)

TSL Kirklees Wellbeing Experiences: at TSL Kirklees, we have been co-ordinating a menu of fully-funded Wellbeing Experiences since lockdowns started to ease last summer.  These are provided by local third sector organisations and are available to any health and public sector teams or other front-line workers, including VCSE workers and volunteers.  They give a group of colleagues the opportunity to have some time out, focus on their wellbeing (and hopefully take some ideas back into the workplace), connect as a team and do something different, whilst finding out about and supporting a local charitable organisation.  These have been very successful and have been accessed by groups from Kirklees Council, NHS, Locala, local schools, West Yorkshire Police, Mountain Rescue and a wide variety of VCSE groups.  We are coming to the end of the second round of funding and the project is about to be refunded.

TSL Kirklees Wellbeing Experiences case study

There are lots of charity and community groups doing great work across Kirklees to support people’s mental health and wellbeing and tackle loneliness and isolation.  Lots of groups had to quickly change their models to be able to continue to support people during the Covid pandemic and started offering online sessions and on-demand video content, or at-home activity packs – some of which have continued since.  Many of the organisations work together and partner on projects.  Some are also part of a commissioned Community Adult Mental Health service in Kirklees, called Working Better Together (Working Better Together Flyer)

Here are a few examples: 

New Charity, Aspire Creating Communities 

Runs social groups for isolated older people. Aspire are currently running a fundraising campaign to help them raise urgent funds to continue their services, if you would like to donate, follow this link which will take you to their just giving page. 



New social enterprise, Umbrella Yoga:

Who make yoga accessible for people with additional needs and bring communities together through yoga to improve people's physical and mental wellbeing. They have just won the Social Enterprise Yorkshire and Humber Start-Up Award.