It is estimated that volunteers add between £76-£118 million to the local economy. This does not consider the benefits that volunteering brings to those who volunteer, many of whom report increased emotional wellbeing and social connections.
Volunteers are a huge asset to the West Yorkshire Health and Care Partnership. Whilst volunteers offer their time freely it takes resources and organisational capacity to support them and ensure that they gain from their experience. Volunteers with lived experience can be bring great insights to organisations and build relationships with others who are experiencing similar health conditions.
This page features examples from across West Yorkshire. Today's place focus in on Leeds.
Enjoy exploring and be inspired!
To get involved on social media, follow and use the #VCSEpower hashtag on Twitter during the week.
Bradford District and Craven
Sue Ryder Manorlands Hospice
Blog: I always come away feeling good about myself
This blog was originally posted at https://
Paul from Leeds has been a volunteer at Sue Ryder Manorlands Hospice near Keighley for nine years. Here, he talks about his personal reason for supporting the hospice, as well as the many benefits of becoming a volunteer.
Paul is part of a small volunteering team who look after the hospice grounds
An emotional attachment
“My mum was admitted into Sue Ryder Manorlands Hospice about 10 years ago and unfortunately she was terminal and passed away but the staff, the facilities and the support were just tremendous.
“The dignity and quality of life that they gave her until the end always stuck with me. So I have an emotional attachment and I always felt like I owed this place something.”
Giving something back
Paul was initially a fundraising volunteer, but the Coronavirus outbreak in 2020 meant that he was unable to carry out his usual activities such as helping out at fundraising events.
“When the government restrictions started to ease I got an email from the hospice asking for some help with grounds maintenance and I thought it was a great opportunity to get back into giving something back.
“You are made to feel so welcome”
“Maintenance volunteering is a very different experience to fundraising as you have more of a set pattern and you know what you’re doing each week. With events you have to think on your feet and you could be doing anything from working behind the bar to giving out water to participants during a cycling event.
“Because I am a keen gardener myself, it’s familiar territory so I feel I can add some skills. I'm left alone to get on with my tasks, but I also like that there’s a team of volunteer gardeners so I can also talk to people and get to know them a bit better. You listen to their stories and personal reasons for being here and you are made to feel so welcome.
“Any spare time that people can give through volunteering is so greatly received because it all adds value”
“Most people get a spark from a nice garden or wildlife, so we try and add a little bit of colour to the grounds and encourage birds into the garden for patients to spot when they look out of the window.
“Family, friends and other visitors might also want to walk around the garden and reflect, and if you can just make that just a little bit better for someone, then that's an immense feeling.
“Any spare time that people can give through volunteering is so greatly received because it all adds value and helps keep this place going. Everyone is busy in their own lives, but when I’ve given patients and families my time and energy I always come away feeling good about myself because I've done something that has potentially made someone's life just a little bit better. Even if it's just a fleeting moment, that’s enough for me.”
Verd de Gris Arts
The Art of Community
A publication put together to celebrate the contribution of volunteering at verd de gris arts - the booklet was produced as part of our assessment in being awarded the Queens award for Voluntary service in 2021, with a special commendation fr our work through the pandemic
Read The Art of Community online at https://
Pandemic Volunteering Stories Exhibition:
TSL Kirklees Volunteering website
Encouraging and supporting volunteering in Kirklees. Organisations can register and advertise their volunteering roles through our site (and we promote them at events, via social media & a monthly newsletter).
Visit the website at https://
Kirklees Volunteering Quality Award: https://
Business Volunteering Case Studies:
- Team volunteering: https:// team-volunteering-with-a-spectacular-view/ - Sharing professional expertise: https:// volunteering-case-study-sharing-professional-expertise-to-support-charities/
Volunteering Stories: https://
TSL Kirklees Welcome Mentor Volunteers
Supporting new migrants to Kirklees:
Welcome Mentors help the fight against covid: https://
Touchstone support
Leeds Mental Wellbeing Volunteer:
TCV Hollybush
Every year, we celebrate all of our volunteers with the TCV Hero Awards and turn the spotlight on a chosen few who are nominated as winners. We love to use this opportunity to showcase what TCV volunteers achieve: for their own health and wellbeing or learning and skills, and for their community and the environment.
Community Champions / Covid Grants
Community Champions are people, or organisations, who care about keeping their community informed about how to stay healthy and well.
There are 3 Community Champions roles:
Community Champion – sharing key public health messages such as vaccinations, COVID with family and friends. This can be done remotely from home.
Community Engagement Champion – sharing key public health messages with the local community as a volunteer on location responding to a rapid or urgent need to support a local priority area. There will be different locations and call outs for volunteers at short notice.
Community Champion Organisation – organisations pledge to support Community Champion health and wellbeing priority messaging. They support staff to sign up and volunteer as Community Champions to support the sharing of health messages, including around COVID-19, and vaccination uptake amongst staff, service users and communities. Organisation in Leeds that might suit this role are; third sector organisations, local businesses, educational establishments including grass root groups, constituted groups and residents’ associations.
Barca Leeds
Volunteering during the COVID-19 pandemic: Mary's Story
Set up at the end of March 2020, Barca-Leedsrecently set up the Bramley and Stanningley COVID-19 Hub, helping residents in our community with prescription pick ups, food parcel deliveries and more. One of our volunteers, Mary, shares her MyBarca Story during these unprecedented times.

Spectrum People CIC
Visit the Spectrum People website at
Case study: Appletree hosts Big Lunch for Volunteers Week (pdf)
Eastmoor Community Project
Visit the Eastmoor Community Project website at www.
Volunteer Spotlight: Mick (pdf)
Volunteers week
Volunteering in Wakefield District 2021 Infographic (pdf)
Warwick Ahead
Visit the Warwick Ahead website at www.
Case study: Recipe Club Success on the Warwick Estate, Knottingley (pdf)