
The Partnership produced a helpful infographic and also made this available in alternative accessible formats including a basic text animation, British Sign Language (BSL) and Easy Read version to help explain why GP practices were still working differently. This was in response to ongoing patient need and public perceptions about the ways in which primary care continued to operate.

The ambition 

Stay Winter Wise booklet coverReaching offline audiences with information about how GP practices continued to see and treat their patients was very timely and a way to help people to think about the accessing the right service for their needs and why services were working in the way they were. It was very important that during the winter months people continued to seek the most appropriate care for their needs.

What they did 

96,000 Calderdale residents were sent a joint Winter Wise publication in December 2021 - a collaboration with Calderdale Council.
Also available to download: Winter Wise 2021 (

The publication was an ideal opportunity to reach all households across the area. It included valuable health advice and information including:

  • Diabetes and COVID-19
  • Mental health and isolation
  • Be active: stay strong, keep moving
  • GPs are still here for you
  • Protect the NHS, make the right choice
  • Advice for those who were clinically extremely vulnerable
  • A handy checklist.
