Mental Health, Learning Disabilities and Autism (MHLDA) Programme Director, Keir Shillaker, and Public Health Consultant, Dr Emma Pearce, recently worked with NHS Providers to develop an in-depth case study that underlines the importance of provider collaboratives in addressing health inequalities by tackling care backlogs, reducing unwarranted variation and delivering more efficient, sustainable services.
The case study highlights that a key workstream for our collaborative is our in-depth work on wider determinants and inequalities and says that our collaborative is unique in having recruited a consultant in public health with a clinical background who now sits in the senior leadership team. The case study also looks at the evolution of the provider collaborative and partnership working, including the role of leadership and the supporting infrastructure.
Explore the case study chapters:
- Key messages
- Aims and objectives
- Governance and leadership
- A focus on health inequalities
- Positive change and impacts
For further information about our work on health inequalities, contact emma.