The Partnership’s Children, Young People (CYP) and Families Programme is working with the West Yorkshire wide CYP Epilepsy Group to improve the care journey of children and young people with epilepsy.
The group secured a funding bid from the Digital Health Partnership Award to implement a vCreate Neuro platform for children’s epilepsy services across hospitals in West Yorkshire.
vCreate Neuro is a cloud-based video service for clinical care. It enables patients and their carers to securely upload and share videos from their smartphones with clinical teams. Videos can also be linked to existing patient records, supporting diagnostic and decision-making processes.
The aim of this video service is to improve patient care and experience, reduce the number of hospital visits and investigations, and to digitise the clinical pathway for patients with epilepsy. Two-year licences have been agreed for the use of vCreate Neuro at each of the acute hospitals which make up The West Yorkshire Association of Acute Trusts.
Information governance processes are underway at each of our hospital trusts and staff training is being rolled out, including sourcing administrative support from hospital epilepsy services. There is focus on patient information and engagement, in addition to work around defining the evaluation and data from the video service.
Karen Pysden, Consultant Paediatric Neurologist at Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust said, “vCreate allows parents and carers to easily share videos of their concerns securely, with their consent. This means the clinician can respond directly and promptly to issues raised. It allows clear diagnosis of fits, faints and ‘funny dos’ or movement disorders. It reduces time needed for additional clinics. It also means we as clinicians are able to see children and their episodes or movements outside the clinic room which is something that is not usually feasible. In patients where there is consent for teaching, it is also a useful resource for education of other staff members.”
We are excited to see the full implementation and the benefits this award-winning service brings to patients and families over the next few months.