In January 2024 the West Yorkshire Integrated Care Board launched a new public health initiative across West Yorkshire to encourage sports supporters to 'Find Out How You Really Are' (FOHYRA).An image of an infographic captruing the campaign highlights

The health awareness campaign was a multi-sector collaboration between the NHS, health training institutions, sports clubs and the Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise (VCSE) organisations to increase awareness of the risk factors for stroke, cardio-vascular disease and diabetes, as well as empower people to take steps to understand and reduce their own risk of developing diabetes or experiencing a heart attack or stroke.  

The campaign delivered actual impact in terms of the number of health screens concluded, the number of quality conversations held, the potential ill-health scenarios prevented, and the number of lives saved by the detection of abnormal results. View a case study of local man that says his life was saved by the campaign.

Find Out How You Really Are - campaign highlights

  • 9 local events
  • 289 health screens were offered over the rugby/cricket season
  • 48 abnormal readings detected 
  • 38,827 people reached at events
  • 500,000+ people reached

The campaign evaluation reports and summary documents available on the website include: