It will soon be time, for your child to go back to school and we know this is when children are most likely to have an asthma flare up. Every year we see an increased number of children attending their GP and being admitted to hospital, as they start the new academic year.

Child having an asthma attack, using a blue inhaler with spacer with adult supervision to relieve symptoms How can you help your child, to reduce their chances of an asthma flare up?

Step 1: Make sure your child is having their preventer inhaler everyday as it is prescribed. Missing just one or two doses a week can have a significant impact on their health, so keep their preventer somewhere visible and create a good routine.

Step 2: Make sure your child is using their inhaler in the most effective way.  Perfect your child’s inhaler technique by watching the helpful demonstration videos or alternatively ask your pharmacist to review your child’s technique.

Watch the tidal breathing video by scrolling down the page. You can also scan the QR codes or visit the websites listed below. 

Child using an inhaler with spacer Tidal breathing (1 puff x 5 breaths)   


Other inhaler devices/techniques

Other inhaler devices.jpg                                                       

Step 3: Make sure they have an up-to-date personalised asthma plan. Schools will be requesting a new asthma plan at the start of the year. Ask your asthma nurse or GP for an up to date one prior to them starting back at school. When they start school, have a conversation about their symptoms and their known triggers. This will help the school support your child but please makes sure your child feels comfortable asking for help or telling their class teacher they feel unwell.

Please ensure your child is taking their preventer treatment regularly as it is prescribed and if you need any support with your child’s return to school, please contact your GP or asthma nurse.

Useful links:Asthma friendly tick Logo

Letter to schools 2023

Back to school support for parents and carers of children with asthma 2023