West Yorkshire Trusts recruiting mental health support workers

Posted on: 12 May 2023

Ellie HCSW.jpegLooking ahead to Mental Health Awareness Week, 15-21 May, NHS Mental Health, Learning Disability and Autism Trusts in West Yorkshire have launched the latest in a series of recruitment campaigns aimed at getting people from all backgrounds and communities into work with them. 

The three Trusts are holding an online jobs fair on 31 May, where people can explore the different roles available, take part in live seminars and activities, and chat to representatives from the NHS about what working in the mental health sector is like. 

The virtual fair is being managed by local community organisation Touchstone, whose staff are working with the West Yorkshire Health and Care Partnership and the Trusts to help people into jobs by providing services, such as screening, careers advice, and employability support. 

The recruitment fair is the first in a planned series of four taking place between May and October this year. The next event is scheduled for 28 June. People can register now, free of charge at West Yorkshire NHS Mental Health Trusts Virtual Recruitment Event (vfairs.com). The fair opens at 9:45am and closes at 4.30pm.

Ahead of the event on 31 May, people who are interested in finding out more can attend an in-person event at Wakefield Library on 24 May. The event will have a "quiet opening" for people with sensory sensitivities from 11:00-12:00 and will then open to all from 12:00 to 3pm. The event is open to all. Registration is not required but is encouraged. Book a free place here.

There will be an Instagram Live event on Wednesday 24 May at 7pm for people to join and ask any questions they may have about the roles and the recruitment process. To join the Instagram Live, please follow WYHealthAndCarePartnership on Instagram. 

Emilie Akselsen from Touchstone said:

“The fair is a big event open to all, and we want to encourage as many people as possible from all over West Yorkshire to join us online and talk to us about their ambitions and interests. We want to meet people who have the skills we need, but experience and qualifications are not as important as a caring personality. The Trusts can provide all the training that is needed to get started and build a great career in the local mental health, learning disability and autism sector.”


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