Standing alongside each otherĀ 

Posted on: 5 August 2024

Dear colleagues

We are an organisation that sits within a Partnership that sees our diversity as a strength.

I am writing with shock and sadness at the events that have taken place around the country over the last few days, and especially over the weekend. These events of violence and thuggery, fuelled by racism and Islamophobia, are truly horrifying.

I was taught early on in my career that you cannot always avoid events from occurring. But you can always choose how you respond to them. Today, I am asking us all to respond in ways that reflect the values we hold and that will role model the leadership we want to see here and in our communities. I am confident that you will do so.

Some of the recent violent scenes have taken place here in West Yorkshire as well as in our neighbouring communities, and many of those being targeted, including people seeking asylum, are among our most vulnerable and isolated residents.

I know that the violence is having a huge impact on people. Thank you to those who have publicly and privately described the fear and distress you feel. Your courage in speaking out is notable and I am sorry that this is happening to you. The impact on so many of our colleagues and our local communities is felt in a very real concern for personal safety.

Thanks also to those allies and leaders who have offered support and help. In these times, I am asking each and every one of you to please check in with each other to see how your colleagues are. If you need support, please do speak up. This support is available from your line manager, your management team and the trade unions. All of the ICB senior team and the executive are here too.

You can also access a number of wellbeing resources, which include the Partnership’s Mental Health and Wellbeing Hub. The support from the hub is available to everyone across West Yorkshire working in health and care services, including voluntary, community, social enterprise sector colleagues.

I know many of you will be concerned about your own safety during this period.  We are working closely with local authorities and the police to continue to monitor the situation across West Yorkshire.  Where necessary, we will close office buildings and ask staff to work at home if there are likely to be protests nearby.  I understand that some of you may also prefer to work at home during this period and I am keen to support this – please talk to your line manager if this is the case. 

I also understand that many people will want to find out more and talk about what’s happening, particularly in their local areas, with many of these conversations taking place on social media. Please do not add to the distress and fear that people are feeling by sharing misinformation and please always remember to act and speak with dignity and respect for all.

If you experience, witness or have been involved in a hate crime you can report it through West Yorkshire Police. Reporting makes a difference – to you, your friends, and your life. If you see a crime that is in progress or if someone is in immediate danger, please call 999 without hesitation.

Stop Hate UK supports individuals and communities who have been impacted by hate crime.  Any incidents of hate crime can also be reported here Report all Hate Crime - Stop Hate UK.

Support is also available from Tell Mama, a confidential support service for those suffering from anti-Muslim hate and discrimination across the UK. Their website features a number of different ways to report anti-Muslim incidents, including via phone or WhatsApp: Report in Anti-Muslim Hate or Islamophobia ( The site also hosts useful resources, including on mosque security.

As an organisation with clear values that champion equality, diversity and inclusion, we stand in solidarity with all those impacted by the violence. Our West Yorkshire partnership is a system of sanctuary, an anti-racist system that has consistently stood for what’s right. We see our diversity as our strength, and we will always stand against those who seek to undermine our people and our communities.

We embrace the Nolan principles of public life – selflessness, integrity, objectivity, accountability, openness, honesty and leadership. Whatever your role or position, please also embody these values, and in your words and actions, please demonstrate your support for anyone affected by this violence. Help us send a clear message that our organisation will not tolerate racism, violence, aggression, Islamophobia or abuse of any kind directed towards our colleagues and the communities we serve.

When Jo Cox was murdered by an extremist here in West Yorkshire, the response from the community was humbling. They used these horrific events to unite and come together. Jo’s legacy was to underline that we have more in common than that which divides us. Those words need to inform our thoughts and deeds every day and in these difficult times. I know that we will not let hate win.

With best wishes


Rob Webster CBE

Chief Executive

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