Posted on: 9 June 2022
West Yorkshire Health and Care Partnership (WY HCP) will host a two-day virtual event on 21 and 22 June to celebrate one year of their Health Inequalities Academy.
Bringing together partners to explore progress and share learning, the event will highlight the work taking place to improve the lives of the most disadvantaged people living in West Yorkshire.
Initiatives include:
- A cardio-vascular disease (CVD) targeted project
- Early diagnosis for Gypsy and Traveller people for cancer and CVD
- Access to maternity and mental health services for refugees and asylum seekers
- A ‘Waiting Well’ initiative to support people experiencing pain whilst waiting for hospital treatment for bone and joint conditions
- Work with Leeds Hospitals Charity on the allocation of £1.15 million NHS Charities monies for a range of projects from supporting asylum seekers and mental health care to support for young carers and improving access to health for people who are rough sleeping
- A Health Equity Fellowship programme to equip colleagues with the skills and knowledge to tackle health inequalities, whilst delivering projects across WY HCP that take positive action to reduce inequalities
Robin Tuddenham, CEO for Calderdale Council; Accountable Officer for NHS Calderdale Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG), and Co-Chair of the WY HCP Improving Population Health Programme said:
“We must guard against the inequalities gap widening further as we anticipate the lasting impact of the pandemic on the physical and mental health of the people of West Yorkshire.
The event will bring colleagues working in health inequalities together to tackle enduring challenges facing people in our society as we work to close the health and care gap, to share learning and make progress at pace.”
Dr James Thomas, NHS West Yorkshire Integrated Care Board Medical Director-Designate, who is also the Co-Chair for the Improving Population Health Programme said:
“Working together has been fundamental to what we have been able to achieve and provides a platform from which we can build, accelerate progress and improve people’s health for better futures. The commitment of national and regional leaders to our Health Inequalities Academy is confirmation of how serious these issues are and our determination to address inequalities.”
Dr Sohail Abbas, Deputy Chair of NHS Bradford District and Craven Clinical Commissioning Group and Chair for the WY HCP Health Inequalities Network said:
“The Health Inequalities Academy is part of our ongoing commitment to reduce the stark inequalities people continue to face. We’ll be looking at how the Academy has addressed health inequalities across the area and answer the fundamental question of what we can all do to tackle health inequalities through our specific actions”.
You can find out more about the event and the guest speakers taking part on eventbrite where you can also register your place and choose the workshops you'd like to attend.