Posted on: 23 August 2023
The NHS West Yorkshire Integrated Care Board (ICB) will meet in public for the eighth time on Tuesday 19 September at The LIFE Centre, Wapping Road, Bradford, BD3 0EQ.
On the same day it will hold its first Annual General Meeting (AGM).
Members of the public are invited to join Board members for refreshments from 11.15am ahead of the AGM meeting starting at 12.30pm.
The AGM will be immediately followed by the ICB Board meeting – also held in public. The board has an Independent Chair, Cathy Elliott. Its Chief Executive is Rob Webster CBE. The meeting in public will include an update report from Cathy and Rob, as well as a focus on mental health services.
The Board is part of the legislation set out in the Health and Care Act 2022, which came into force on the 1 July 2022. It focuses on improving outcomes for people by addressing health inequalities, the difference in care received and effective use of budgets across the area. It is part of West Yorkshire Health and Care Partnership, an integrated care system.
The board’s role includes delivering the Joint Forward Plan for health and care services in West Yorkshire as part of the area’s five-year strategy. Most decisions about circa £5billion budget and the services delivered locally are made in the five local places of West Yorkshire, via its strong local place partnerships in Bradford District and Craven, Calderdale, Kirklees, Leeds, and Wakefield District.
The board also works alongside care provider collaboratives, such as The West Yorkshire Association of Acute Trusts, the Mental Health, Learning Disability and Autism Collaborative, Community Care Collaborative and hospices working together.
- People are asked to contact westyorkshire.
ics if they would like to attend the AGM by 5.00pm on Tuesday 12 - People can submit questions about items on the agenda of the main board meeting to westyorkshire.
ics , by 9.00am on Monday 18 - They can also call 01924 317659 to submit questions or to book their place to attend.
- Please note the papers won’t be live on the website until Monday 11 September teatime, 2023.