Leeds City Council Chief Executive appointed to the ICB Board

Posted on: 19 March 2025

Leeds City Council CEO Ed WhitingDr Ed Whiting, Chief Executive, Leeds City Council has been appointed to the ICB Board as Partner Member: Local Authorities to advocate on behalf of the Local Authorities across West Yorkshire, including North Yorkshire Council.

Ed is the Chief Executive of Leeds City Council and took up this role following Tom Riordan CBE’s departure as Chief Executive of Leeds City Council. Ed joined Leeds City Council as Chief Executive in January 2025. We would like to thank Mariana Pexton for her leadership and significant contribution to the Board of NHS West Yorkshire and the West Yorkshire Health and Care Partnership during her time as Interim Partner Member.

Ed has spent most of his career working in a number of central Civil Service Departments, including in the Financial Stability Unit of HM Treasury through the 2008-09 financial crisis and as Deputy Principal Private Secretary to the Prime Minister between 2014 and 2016. Most recently, Ed was Director for Cities and Local Growth, leading a joint unit shared between the Business and Communities Departments working on the Government’s local economic growth priorities.

Ed brings a wealth of experience to the Board of NHS West Yorkshire Integrated Care Board.

Cathy Elliott, Chair of NHS West Yorkshire Integrated Care Board, said: “I am pleased that Ed has been appointed to this important role on the Board of NHS West Yorkshire Integrated Care Board.

“Ed’s experience is substantial, with a real commitment and focus in reducing health inequalities and furthering our collaborative work in achieving integrated care for the communities of West Yorkshire. The Board of NHS West Yorkshire look forward to working closely with Ed, as we work together to deliver our 10 big ambitions outlined in our Integrated Care Strategy.”

Ed will take up this additional role with effect from 1 April 2025.

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