Posted on: 12 December 2020
Latest figures show that GP practices across West Yorkshire and Harrogate are referring more people to the Healthier You NHS Diabetes Prevention Programme than ever before. The increase in referrals is largely because practices have been writing to patients at risk of diabetes inviting them to take up a free place on the programme.
In December 2020, 861 patients signed up after being invited by their GP, compared to November’s 683 referrals. The increase means that more people are accessing the tailored and personalised support they need to help them get active and healthy and reduce the risks posed by diabetes.
Greater Huddersfield was the highest referring CCG, followed by North Kirklees and then Leeds. Special mention to the top six referring practices which are:
- Lepton and Kirkheaton, Greater Huddersfield
- Blackburn Road, North Kirklees
- Thornton Medical, Leeds
- Elmwood, Greater Huddersfield
- The Grange, Greater Huddersfield
- Garforth Medical Centre, Leeds
Diabetes project managers continue to work with practices to reach at risk patients whilst taking account of the constraints on primary care because of coronavirus and the vaccination programme.
See our case study pages to find out how Steve turned his life around by following the programme and making small changes to his eating and exercise habits.