Fellows appointed to our Improving Population Health Fellowship

Posted on: 11 August 2023

IPHF (Generic) Image.jpgThe Improving Population Health Fellows cohort for 2023 have published their project outlines covering the four fellowship areas: 

  • Adversity, Trauma and Resilience (21 Fellows)
  • Climate Change (five Fellows)
  • Health Equity (23 Fellows)
  • Suicide Prevention (three Fellows)

Fellows dedicate one day a week to attend training and work on their chosen project supported by a mentor. This year’s projects cover a range of subjects each helping to build more equitable systems covering everything from trauma sensitive classrooms and reducing barriers for disabled people to perinatal mental health and sustainability in asthma care. There’s also projects around language and bereavement, cancer screening, suicide prevention in universities, speech therapy, healthy ageing and improving access to flash glucose monitoring.

See our Improving Population Health Fellowship pages and the meet the fellows pages on the partnership’s website for more information.

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