‘Check in with a mate’ this Christmas

Posted on: 14 December 2022

652 Male check in_Social graphics_1080x1080 COOKRIDGE-01.jpgWest Yorkshire Health and Care Partnership (WY HCP) has issued a renewed appeal for everyone to ‘check in with a mate’ this Christmas – with the festive period often proving a challenging time for many.

The Partnership’s ongoing ‘Check In With Your Mate’ suicide prevention campaign launched in May and aims to normalise conversations around suicide and mental health, particularly among young men.

Office for National Statistics (ONS) data shows suicide is more common in West Yorkshire than in England as a whole* – with significantly more men taking their own lives than women.

The campaign’s messages are particularly poignant in the run-up to Christmas and the New Year, when worries and pressures can feel intensified and take a toll on people’s mental health.

Rob Webster CBE.jpgRob Webster, CEO Lead for WY HCP, who lost his 32-year-old brother to suicide
in 2003, said:

“This time of year can feel overwhelming for many – whether that’s money worries, family difficulties, grief or loneliness. While people struggling with their mental health or at risk of suicide may try to hide how they are feeling, creating an environment where they know it is ok to talk could be vital.
"All suicide is preventable – it is not inevitable. By encouraging more conversations around mental health, particularly among men, and breaking the stigma around suicide, we can all help to potentially save lives.”

Errol Murray, founder of voluntary organisation Leeds Dads (pictured below right, with wife Veena, son Isaac, daughter Rayya)​​​​​​​, backed the WY HCP’s Check In With Your Mate campaign and stressed the importance of looking out for each other, especially at this time of year. He said: “We host a regular text-based chat on our private Facebook group every week. Around 50 to 60 people engage and we expect those numbers to rise over Christmas.”

Errol Murray.jpgHighlighting the effect of the cost-of-living crisis, Errol added: “Most people can’t afford the Christmas they provided last year. It’s even more difficult if you are not with your children or if you are, but are feeling the stress of creating the best Christmas – not realising that the best gift is actually just being available to your children and family.”

He urged all to reach out and check in on their friends now and into the future. “It’s so important people check in with their mates – let them know it’s ok to talk and remember to stay in touch with the people who care about you. For anyone struggling, know there is support out there for you.”

A range of resources has been created for the Check In With Your Mate campaign, including graphics for social media posts, website banners and posters, encouraging all to help spread the word.

Developed by and featuring local men, from their experiences, messages on the graphics include: ‘Is your sporty mate suddenly off his game?’, ‘Does your mate always want to have one too many?’ and ‘Has the mate who’s always got something to say gone quiet?’

The campaign uses www.checkinwithyourmate.co.uk which directs people to the ‘support in your area’ section of the WY HCP’s suicide prevention website.

BeckyElliott.jpgBecky Elliott (pictured right), senior responsible officer for WY HCP Suicide Prevention Programme and public health manager at Kirklees Council said: “The campaign is focused on men, because of the increased suicide risk among men, but it is important to look out for, and check in on, all those around you.

“You don’t need to solve somebody’s problems but by simply being there and listening, you will help someone who may otherwise be struggling alone. Please do have those conversations and also help spread the word with our campaign resources, which signpost to the most up to date support across West Yorkshire for those in need.”

Becky also encouraged people to take the free, 20-minute online Zero Suicide Alliance training, adding: “You don’t need to be a medical professional to talk to someone. This training helps build confidence for people have those conversations. It’s important not to worry about saying the wrong thing.”

Kim Shutler, CEO of mental health charity The Cellar Trust (pictured below right), which provides its services across Bradford, Airedale, Wharfedale and Craven, said: “This has been a challenging year for so many people and this time of year can be especially difficult for some. ​​​​​​​

“Many men might find it difficult to reach out for support for fear of perceived stigma or feeling like they need to just ‘get on with it’.Kim Shutler.jpg

“We all have times in life when things can feel really tough but it’s really important to talk about how you’re feeling and reach out for support.

“We’d like to echo the sentiments of this campaign and encourage people to take the time to check in with their friends and family, to actively encourage people to open up and to normalise the conversation when people are struggling. For someone in dark times one text/call may well end up saving their life.”

A spokesman for Andy’s Man Club said: “We are glad to hear that Suicide Prevention West Yorkshire's "Check in on your mate" campaign is continuing to be pushed throughout the region.

“December can be a difficult time for all, and with the added pressures of Christmas on top of ever-rising cost of living, conversation is more important than ever.

“Demand for our group is as high as ever, Wakefield being a perfect example of this with demand necessitating the opening of a second venue in the City at Reed in Partnership this month.

“The more discussion that can be encouraged on men's mental health in our region, the better."

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