Integrated Care Partnerships (we call this our Partnership Board) will be required to produce a five-year integrated care strategy to set the strategic direction for health and care services across the whole geographic area of the Integrated Care System (ICS), including how commissioners in the NHS and local authorities can deliver more joined-up, preventative, and person-centred care for their local population.
Integrated care partnerships (ICPs) will be expected to publish an initial interim strategy by December 2022 which will align and influence NHS integrated care board’s (ICBs) joint forward plans (JFP) in April 2023. Current thinking is that this will need to be available in draft by February 2023. The government has recognised that Integrated Care Partnerships are at varying levels of maturity and development, and this will be reflected in their approach to the guidance, due out in October 2022. The Department for Health and Social Care will review the guidance and if necessary, refresh it in June 2023. In the interim this NHS Confederation briefing might be helpful.
As part of working with people and communities on the Joint Forward Plan, the Integrated Care Board must consult the public in a way which is proportionate to the scale of the proposals. As Joint Forward Plans will build on and reflect existing Joint Strategic Needs Assessments and Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategies and NHS delivery plans which may already have involved stakeholders in the development.
In February 2020, the West Yorkshire and Harrogate Integrated Care System published its five-year plan, Better health and wellbeing for everyone in response to The NHS Long Term Plan in 2019. With the passage of the Health and Care Act 2022 and the new statutory arrangements to support integration, all Integrated Care Partnerships across England are required to refresh their five-year strategies during 22/23, as mentioned above.
Read our communication, involvement / consultation and equality plan.