Our Community/Patient Panel is just one of the ways in which West Yorkshire and Harrogate Cancer Alliance is working with those affected by cancer across our area - patients and their families, carers, service users - to ensure their experiences and views influence the work that we do and the decisions we take.
To do this effectively, we want to ensure that the membership of the panel is as diverse as possible, in terms of where people live; the type(s) of cancer they are experiencing or have experienced; the communities they come from and their personal backgrounds and circumstances.
To help us make this happen, we are working with our partners at Healthwatch Wakefield and with other Healthwatch services around the region. Our Panel Co-ordinator is based at Healthwatch Wakefield.
If you're interested, contact Tracy Holmes, Cancer Alliance Communications and Engagement Lead, in the first instance – email tracy.
For more information about getting involved with the Cancer Alliance, go to Get Involved :: West Yorkshire and Harrogate Cancer Alliance (wyhpartnership.co.uk)