Stroke stakeholder event (May 2018)
Over fifty people attended a stakeholder event in Leeds on Wednesday 30 May organised by the West Yorkshire and Harrogate Health and Care Partnership.
The aim of the event was to ask people who have had a stroke, their carers and community organisations, including charities such as the Stroke Association, Age UK and The British Heart Foundation for their views on how specialist stroke care (the care people receive in the first few hours and days after having a stroke) could be further improved to ensure services are fit for the future.
The event hosted by the Partnership’s stroke programme members, which includes doctors, ambulance services and public health colleagues, gave people an update on the work to date including findings from a stakeholder event in February and workshops held in March across the area in Bradford, Brighouse, Harrogate, Kirklees, Leeds and Wakefield. You can read more about the event here.
You can view the presentations here. The view report of findings from the event here.
Public workshops on stroke (March 2018)
Report of findings from public workshops on stroke (March 2018).
Stroke care event (2 February 2018)
Report findings and presentation from Stroke care event (2 February 2018)
Stroke services (April 2017)
Across West Yorkshire and Harrogate, healthcare professionals, including doctors and consultants, are working together to look at how we can further improve care for people who are at risk of stroke, or those who have had a stroke.
Before decisions were made on the future of stroke services in West Yorkshire and Harrogate, we wanted to find out what you think about the services that were currently provided and what would be important to you should you have a stroke, or care for someone who has. We worked with Healthwatch, an organisation which is independent of the NHS, to ask people for their views.
You can view this presentation to find out more about our proposals to improve stroke services.
Please read the communication, engagement and equality plan and also the initial scoping Equality Impact Assessment.
You can read our engagement report to see what we found out.
You can also watch this short film to find out more about the results of the engagement activity.
Please also view our report to the West Yorkshire Joint Health and Scrutiny Committee 23 January 2017.
Between 3 October 2013 and 14 February 2017 a consultation exercise took place on a proposal to change the way hyper acute stroke services are provided in South Yorkshire and Bassetlaw. You can read more about this project and what was learnt.