Engagement colleagues are working with Healthwatch partners to have conversations with people and get their views on the development of the Partnership’s five year plan in response to the NHS Long Term Plan. The Partnership’s plan will set out our ambitions for the next five years and also identify any work needed to align to the NHS Long Term Plan. It will build on our work to date and will be a refresh of our ‘Next Steps to Better Health and Care for Everyone'.

Healthwatch were commissioned by NHS England to coordinate and support this work.

Two surveys were made available via Healthwatch, and a series of focus groups were run in our local areas, looking at digitisation, personalisation and wider relevant local long-term plan priorities. 

Healthwatch produced a report which they have shared with Healthwatch England and the Partnership. A copy of the report is available to read here, and will be made available on local Healthwatch websites.

Read or download the full version of the Healthwatch Long Term Plan engagement report

Read or download a summary of the Healthwatch Long Term Plan engagement report

The Partnership welcomes the report - you can download the Partnership's official response the report here, and read what local health and care leaders have to say about the report here.

This important work will help us to identify future areas of engagement at a local and West Yorkshire and Harrogate level and will complement the work already taking place, as set out in our engagement and consultation mapping work (and see our engagment mapping work for personalisation and digitisation here). We will continue to keep you updated as the work develops.

You can read more about the NHS Long Term Plan here.


Developing the long term plan for the NHS (October 2018)

When the Government announced additional funding for the NHS, West Yorkshire and Harrogate Health and Care Partnership, alongside other partnerships, were invited to comment on the first of a series of conversations around the development of the Long Term Plan. We collated many responses from across our area. You can view our response here.