At West Yorkshire Health and Care Partnership we value the contribution of the voluntary, community and social enterprise sector across all areas of our work and at all levels of decision making and delivery.
The voluntary, community and social enterprise sector has long contributed to reducing health inequalities and improving population health in West Yorkshire.
The value of the sector has been demonstrated in the integral role they have played as part of the COVID-19 pandemic response including through volunteering, practical support for those most isolated including people who are shielding, people with disabilities and the elderly, offering emotional support to those experiencing mental health issues, and working with our most vulnerable communities to ensure they can access information, social connections and meet their basic needs for food, shelter and their health and well-being.
Voluntary, community and social enterprise sector organisations are often rooted in communities and bring an understanding of the issues faced and the trust and confidence of those least likely to access traditional health and care services and most likely to experience health inequalities.
But they also brings a valuable voice to strategic decision making and to re shaping how we deliver services and reach those most at risk of poor health outcomes and reduced life expectancy.
Our Power of Communities Programme works with the voluntary, community and social enterprise sector, acting as a catalyst for change, facilitating new opportunities for voluntary, community and social enterprise sector organisations to better engage in shaping services and decision making, and challenging the ways we work in health and care to ensure greater inclusivity and accessibility in commissioning and service provision.
Our vision
Our vision is vibrant, sustainable and resilient communities across West Yorkshire. Communities where citizens, the Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise Sector and other partners, come together to plan, develop and deliver innovative solutions to improve population health and well-being and reduce inequalities.
The Power of Communities Programme is overseen by a Leadership Group which includes voluntary, community and social enterprise sector leaders from each place, Healthwatch and other key partners.
Our priorities 2023 onwards
The Power of Communities Programme's long term ambition is to establish the voluntary, community and social enterprise sector as an equal partner within health and care, contributing to shaping and delivering services from the outset and to the improved health and well-being of the population. We want to see long term joined up investment in the sector which enables voluntary, community and social enterprise organisations to deliver consistent, sustainable solutions to reducing health inequalities.
Our approach
Our programme's approach reflects that of the VCSE sector and is flexible and adaptable. We will respond to changing population health and care needs and work to ensure continued and increasing collaboration between the VCSE and health and care partners at neighbourhood, place, and partnership levels to reduce health inequalities. We will build on community assets and place-based development and delivery and ensure the diversity of communities in West Yorkshire is represented in all we do. We will promote the authentic, community-based nature of the VCSE and share best practice, innovation, and ideas from the sector with health and care colleagues. We will communicate openly with all stakeholders at partnership and place levels and do our best to engage the wider VCSE across West Yorkshire in all our work.
You can find also our detailed plan: The Power of Communities Programme’s Joint Forward Plan for 2023-28
Recommended approach to reimbursement
Read our Recommended approach to VCSE reimbursement form (PDF)
West Yorkshire VCSE Reimbursement Form
The involvement of the Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise sector brings a valuable and unique perspective to shaping services and making strategic and operational decisions across health and care; so it’s important to consider what we can put in place to facilitate involvement from a range of organisations including those who may be limited in capacity and financial resources.
At West Yorkshire Health and Care Partnership we are committed to co-production and engaging the Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise across our work and recognise they are a key partner in tackling health inequalities and improving population health. They are uniquely positioned to reach those population groups who are least likely to engage with mainstream health services. They hold the trust of communities and are directly connected to the communities they represent.
Our Recommended approach to VCSE reimbursement is a guide to programmes and statutory organisations working across health and care in West Yorkshire around the payment of costs incurred by voluntary, community and social enterprise organisations which arise as a direct result of their involvement in work which is additional to their core role and contributes to the wider health and care agenda.