Kate O'ConnellHello, I’m Kate O’Connell and I’m delighted to have the opportunity to write this week’s leadership message. 

I’ve worked in Leeds for nearly four years now, joining the Leeds Health and Care Academy in the very early weeks of COVID-19, and right from the beginning I was truly inspired by the city’s passion and determination to tackle the challenge head on. I was born and raised in Yorkshire and the opportunity to work alongside such amazing health and social care colleagues who are protecting and supporting the people of Leeds was a real honour.

I joined the Academy because I believed in the vision, that we could better support and develop health and social care colleagues across Leeds by working together.  In the early days, it’s fair to say that none of us really knew what that would look like. A group of leaders came together armed with a shared belief, trust and confidence in each other, and the courage to try something new and to create something incredible. These leaders were not just city executives, but passionate clinicians, visionary care workers, pioneering educators and inspiring third sector managers – our Leeds One Workforce Strategic Board. 

The real strength of the Academy lies in the partnership. The route to creating anything new and meaningful is complex and messy. It is the relationships, the shared passion and valuing the diversity of talent and resources around you which enables you to overcome the barriers, deal with the distractions, and stay focused on the ambition. The last four years have been unpredictable, exciting, frustrating, and rewarding beyond measure, but the opportunity to see real impact and celebrate the successes has undoubtedly made it worth the effort. 

It's nearly impossible to choose a single highlight, but really memorable moments for me personally have included the launch of the Academy’s Talent Hub during COVID-19, through which over 1400 Leeds students volunteered to support the vaccination programme; meeting 200 Leeds women who overcame personal obstacles to progress through the Leeds Springboard leadership programme; and the national opportunities to share our powerful collaborative work to reduce workforce inequalities across Leeds. 

Despite the challenges and uncertainties, I am excited about the future because the people who work within health and social care across Leeds, West Yorkshire and beyond, all share one thing: a determination to improve the health and wellbeing of people across our region. With strong relationships, effective support and the skills and opportunities for change, I have no doubt that we will continue to make a positive difference, together.

Thank you for reading and I wish you all a healthy and happy weekend,