Hello, my name is Jason.
The winter period is always a busy time for colleagues in the Cancer Alliance, as well as our planning and performance colleagues working at system and at place level, who seek to plan against the delivery expectations set by NHS England for next year. Their roles can go unnoticed, but they are vital to keeping the system wheels turning, providing a positive description of the excellent work being delivered to transform outcomes locally, alongside a realistic portrayal of constraints, barriers and difficult choices.
As we know, this period overlaps with the main pressure points of the operating year for our primary care and acute system colleagues who are seeking to manage significant emergency care and elective pressures, alongside maintaining their commitments to ensure that cancer pathways deliver for those people who need to use them.
In the past, the planning process used to kick off before Christmas - as folks were signing off on Christmas Eve. This typically included a sometimes bewilderingly detailed chronicle of spreadsheets, narrative templates, system directives and financial allocations statements. More recently, colleagues have become used to seeing these documents appear incrementally towards and following the end of the January sales, meaning that planning processes have had to become nimbler, based on assumed directions of travel.
This year, the process has been further complicated by the concurrent consultation over a refreshed Change NHS consultation; a planned new 10 year long-term plan for cancer later in the year, building on the central themes and a previous Call for Evidence from the last administration. Devolution of some specialised commissioning to ICBs from April 2025, building on work from previous years, is also changing the planning landscape, including arrangements for the delivery and funding of cancer services.
Overall, the planning environment feels more ambiguous - but the thrust of prioritising actions which improve patient outcomes and experience effectively in a resource constrained climate remains constant. Within this ecosystem, the role of Cancer Alliances, working together in partnership with their integrated care systems, is another constant. West Yorkshire and Harrogate Cancer Alliance will continue to receive dedicated funding, with focuses on achieving earlier diagnosis for people affected by cancer and delivering specific pathway transformation work which supports operational performance recovery and delivery. System priorities will continue to nuance and balance national priority asks with functions and challenges which occur locally.
The Cancer Alliance will continue to support this space, making sure that our focus also supports acting on health inequalities; seeing quality, personalisation, experience and performance as being equally important; and bringing partners together in shared governance models to optimise benefits from the national funding received.
It would be great if you could share our work through your networks. Follow us on LinkedIn, Facebook, @WYHCanAlliance, our YouTube channel or contact us via our dedicated website which features regular news bulletins. You’ll also find Cancer Alliance contributions to the monthly ICB updates, as well as news pieces in the weekly Partnership newsletter.
We also work with our partners in the patient-led charity Yorkshire Cancer Community (YCC), who support our patient panel and run a diverse range of awareness raising events and campaigns across the system throughout the year, in particular through our Cancer SMART programme and our Cancer Champions. YCC are always on the lookout for colleagues who may be able to support them in a trustee or volunteering capacity so if this is you then please get in touch!
My quest to keep this update shorter than the planning materials (!) means that I can’t do justice to all the great work that our team does, in collaboration with our partners. But to pick out a few highlights from 2024:
- Winning awards: We won the Cancer Experience of Care Award for our Remove the Doubt campaign through the Patient Experience Network PENNA which focused on breaking down barriers for cervical cancer screening amongst the transgender and wider LGBT+ communities - in partnership with charity OUTPatients and MOBAS.
- Branching out: We have diversified our external partnerships, continuing to work collaboratively with Yorkshire Cancer Research to bring an exciting, targeted case finding programme to West Yorkshire – more news soon! With YCC, we also presented at the UK Oncology Forum which brings together clinicians, professional bodies and subject matter experts to discuss the future of cancer care. And we championed our work and awareness raising programmes via a series of podcasts, local TV and radio appearances.
- Developing leadership: The Cancer Alliance has filled several clinical leadership roles, building on the capabilities we have via our clinical director, professional and clinical lead, diagnostic lead and network of Optimal Pathway Group clinical chairs. These roles will develop a series of place-based corporate and clinical lead posts which we hope to complete by the end of the financial year. We have also completed the third cohort of its system leadership development prospectus with external partners, the 360 Degree Society, building the capacity for transformational change across our system, alongside a dynamic and ambitious OD strategy.
- Transforming care: Excellent progress has been made on the development of the full business case covering the reconfiguration of services locally linked to non-surgical oncology. Investment and support for this case is crucial to delivering the sustainable care we need to see in a service line which will continue to grow in demand in the future as more people are diagnosed with cancer and more have further and increasing lines of treatment with better outcomes.
Drawing together these diverse themes are our values which we are proud to champion in the work we do in our system. We are proud to be courageous, honest and kind, and we hope that you continue to see our philosophy shine through in terms of not just what we do, but how we operate. Whilst times may be tough and our planning more complex than normal, these values remain a constant and will help us make the right choices as we work together with colleagues.
Have a good weekend everyone.