Lou Auger Lou Auger, Interim Director for Planning and Performance at the West Yorkshire Integrated Care Board (ICB) shares a blog with us about the ICB's expectations for the winter ahead and how we’re working together across the region to prepare for what is expected to be another busy and challenging winter

I’m pleased to share an update about the ICB’s preparations for the winter ahead.

Last winter was challenging, with increased demand, high acuity, industrial action, and workforce and capacity constraints across all areas of our system. This impacted system flow, leading to longer waits in accident and emergency (A&E) departments, delays in discharging people from hospital, high hospital bed occupancy, and ambulance handover delays.

To ensure we learned from last winter, we held a workshop in the summer that brought together partners from various providers, the voluntary, community and social enterprise (VCSE) sector, NHS England, and place colleagues. The workshop was well received, and the outputs shaped several priority areas. A follow-up workshop in November focused on sharing good practice and maintaining quality and safety while keeping people well and out of hospital.

Here’s what has informed our plans and what we’re doing together across the region this winter:

Plans to Bolster Resilience
Each year, health and care systems develop plans to enhance capacity, maintain quality and safety, and respond to operational pressures during winter. These plans were co-developed across the integrated care system (ICS) and aligned with the national Urgent and Emergency Care (UEC) Recovery Plan and the future West Yorkshire UEC strategy development blueprint. The Primary Care Recovery Plan, Elective Recovery Plan, mental health care access plans, and broader NHS priorities also underpin our winter preparation.

Southern Hemisphere Experience
Data from Australia and New Zealand indicates that flu levels and hospitalisation rates are in line with normal expectations. While this doesn’t guarantee similar patterns here, the southern hemisphere experience often provides insights into what we might expect.

Maximising the winter vaccination campaign is vital. Vaccines for flu, COVID-19, and RSV offer the best protection against serious illness and help protect families and communities.

Industrial Action
Upcoming industrial action by the British Medical Association (BMA), including collective action in general practice, will impact the system and has been factored into our planning.

Sustained Pressures for Our Staff
Last winter saw sustained pressure on staff across all sectors. High demand for services has continued throughout the year, leaving no respite for health and care workers. We are incredibly grateful to all staff for their hard work and dedication in keeping people safe and well every day.

Together We Can GraphicTogether We Can
Winter brings significant increases in demand for services. The ICB’s "Together We Can" campaign aims to help people access the right care at the right time. This includes promoting NHS 111, local pharmacies, and GP practices while encouraging people not to delay seeking help for physical or mental health concerns.

Looking Out for Each Other
Winter conditions can worsen existing health problems and increase vulnerability to falls and respiratory illnesses. Steps such as getting vaccinated, staying warm, looking after mental health, and accessing the right services can help.

We can also support each other by looking out for vulnerable, isolated, or lonely neighbours. A small gesture can make a big difference.

Thank you for reading.
