Brendan BrownHello, my name is Brendan Brown and I’m the Chief Executive lead for the West Yorkshire Health and Care Partnership's People Programme.

The West Yorkshire Staff Mental Health and Wellbeing Hub is a vital component of our People Programme. Our focus on preventative measures and specialist therapeutic support interventions for colleagues and volunteers helps us to ensure that our people can cope with the demands that their work places upon them and develops a sustainable support culture to keep people well.

Our Hub is the only known hub in England to secure permanent funding for ongoing support for staff and volunteers working within the health and social care partnership. Confirming financial arrangements took longer than expected, but these are now in place, allowing us to plan with confidence. Looking ahead, we will expand the range and capacity of therapy provision, whilst ensuring it remains locally relevant, culturally sensitive and team inclusive.

Services are open to everyone who works in our health and care system, including those who volunteer, providing our people with free, confidential advice and assistance alongside local wellbeing support. We will aim to be proactive in encouraging all partners to use the Hub services, rather than being responsive to the health and care services that already know about the Hub.

Another big achievement this year is the Hub’s critical incident staff support pathway (CrISSP). This has grown in capacity to a network of over 100 CrISSP facilitators available to support colleagues following emotionally challenging and potentially traumatic events.

The Schwartz Round network has also grown. Several Places have held their first in-person rounds with good attendance and reviews and our system-based approach was showcased with a poster presentation at a national Schwartz Round conference.

We will ensure the Hub remains accessible to everyone, and we are actively engaging with people facing significant health inequalities to eliminate barriers that hinder access to support. This annual report presents what has been achieved to date collectively. I hope you are able to read it in full, reflect on its highlights and respond with your own suggestions on how we can make further improvements. Read the Hub annual report.

Thanks so much for reading,